Tanatex: Bio-based micro-encapsulation for co...

Bio-based micro-encapsulation for cosmeto textiles with slimming effect


The specialty chemicals producer Tanatex Chemicals BV, Ede/Netherlands, is introducing bio-based and biodegradable micro-encapsulating technology in the TanaCare Bio range.

The product TanaCare Bio-Slim is the first in this brand new range of Cosmeto Finishes, which claims to deliver improved skin conditions and slimming effect. Tanatex has launched a range with microcapsules built from natural polysaccharides (sugars) and polypeptides (proteins). Instead of the classic release mechanism of mechanical pressure followed by bursting, these new microcapsules gradually release the active ingredients, triggered through enzymatic breakdown (enzymes on the skin will biodegrade the capsule walls, releasing the active ingredients slowly). The wash durability of this technology is around 20 home launderings.
The first product to be launched in this new TanaCare Bio range is the TanaCare Bio-Slim. The slimming effect is performed by using a complex and synergetic blend of cosmetic ingredients, which have lipolytic activity (working on the fat) and venotonic action (activating the micro-circulation), additionally enhancing skin elasticity, resilience and tightness.
The scientific in-vitro and in-vivo testing at an external laboratory showed significant improvement after 15 and 30 days wearing a treated product.

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