Fare’: CRCC Certification

CRCC Certification


The first nonwoven geotextile CRCC certificate for the company Fare’ S.p.A. Synthetic Fiber Processing Machinery, Fagnano Olona/Italy, has been released by China authorities for PP based spunbond line.

CRCC Certification is mandatory for the export, sales and/or usage of railway products in the Chinese market. The governing authority for this certification is the China Railway Test & Certification Centre (CRCC).
The spunbond line has been supplied by the Italian company, confirming its top position in the construction of lines (spunbond and staple fiber) for the geotextile applications. Different kinds of spunbonds produced by the line have passed the certification at once. This spunbond is recognized to be the new standard for the PP nonwovens geotextile in China. The products from 100 - 1000 gsm have isotropic characteristics and tensile properties much higher than the former nonwovens utilized.

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